Winter Formal Party Bus Los Angeles
Winter Formal Party Bus Los Angeles
Did Parents Give Kids Booze For Los Angeles Party Bus Rental?
We found this backpack filled with 10 pints of matching Vodka bottles on a Winter Formal Party Bus Los Angeles rental for Winter Formal! Usually the bottles don’t match because kids sneak what they can from their parents liquor stash so the bottles rarely match! So we think a parent trying to be “cool” bought this booze for the kids? What do you think?
Well it’s Winter Formal time again and many kids want to rent a party bus for their winter formal! Who could blame them? A party bus is such a fun way to go to the winter formal dance with all your school chums and chumettes haha! And 98% of the kids that rent a Los Angeles Party Bus for their Winter Formal dance adhere to the NO alcohol for minors law! However, there are those two percent who insist on sneaking alcohol into the dance!
To them we say…. why risk ruining your school dance evening?
See the law requires the driver of any Los Angeles Party Bus to quickly involve the school authorities at the dance, your parents and possibly the police to let them know they are terminating the transportation agreement because they absolutely cannot transport minors with alcohol. Here’s WHY….
The state of California takes minors drinking alcohol very seriously. WHY? Because California has zero tolerance for minors drinking alcohol. That means… No individual under the age of 21 is allowed to drink alcohol in California…. it is a zero tolerance state!! Meaning that if you have any alcohol in your system and you are under 21 you may not be able to get your drivers license until you are 21! So why risk it?
We think the music, dancing, girls in pretty dresses and young men dressed in tuxes under the dance hall lights would be enough but NO…. we recently found this backpack loaded with 10 pints of vodka on a party bus in Los Angeles!! It created a lot of drama for us and ruined the dance for 22 kids when all the adults got involved. So what are your thoughts on kids and alcohol?
Click Winter Formal Party Bus Los Angeles to see all of our party bus rentals. Don’t plan on bringing alcohol!! Our Drivers will find it!
Learn more about law and penalties for California underage drinking. Find a party bus rental in Los Angeles.